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  • I will update my directory listing as needed to reflect my most current skills and services.​


  • As AWAKE: Oneness Tribe endeavors to provide a layer of safety/security for our community and verifies the quality of all Providfers for which they offer referrals; I agree to:

    • Demonstrate my services by scheduling a session, consultation, viewing, or sample of my products and/or services with a member of the Leadership Team.



  • Facebook

    • I will invite at least 100 friends to join the main/public AWAKE: Oneness Tribe Facebook group.

    • At least 50% of my posts in the main/public AWAKE: Oneness Tribe Facebook group will be unrelated to business/event advertising. This includes articles, videos, inspirational quotes, Facebook live events, etc.

    • I will not create “ad” posts directly advertising my business and/or website.

      • I can, however, share educational or inspirational posts from my business page to the AWAKE group to acknowledge my business. I can also add a link to my website after such a post.

      • I can post events or make a post advertising an event.

      • I can comment with an advertisement for my business only if someone is asking for a provider referral.

    • I will post a maximum of one post per day to prevent overwhelming our members or pushing our members’ posts to the point where they are not seen. (Posts can be scheduled for a later date when needed.)

    • I will join the Providers of AWAKE Facebook group to stay informed and network with other Providers.



  • I agree to embrace diversity in all forms as an essential component of our growth and development as a collective. I agree to apply the highest standards of excellence to my conduct not only with my clients but with the world-at-large. "Be the change you hope to see in the world!"


  • I WILL ALWAYS act in the best interest of the Tribe! The Tribe maintains a symbiotic relationship between the members and its providers. The Tribe members support the providers emotionally and financially with their attendance and participation in classes, workshops, events, etc. Therefore, it is critical that the providers remain in a state of stewardship over the Tribe. Providers not acting in the best interest of the Tribe will not be able to maintain status in the group.

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