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FREE & Open to the Public
Saturday, June 21st & Sunday, June 22nd, 2025
10am - 5pm
Good Templar Park; Geneva, IL
Take a look at last year's line-up below. You can look forward to another great festival with the same type of high-quality content and classes. Stay tuned.... Once all of our facilitators have submitted class applications, our Vendor Village Committee will review them, selecting the very best for this year's ONENESS FEST! An updated lineup should be available by May 1st, 2025.
Vendor Class Schedule
Free Vendor Classes; Saturday, June 22nd, 2024:
How To Make Vegan Cheese with ChicagoVeg – Chicagoland Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw Foodist Community Event Organizer Pauline Sharpe
Using Intuitive Energy with Lita Keller
Discover muscle-testing techniques to use every day.
FOOT LOVE - Why I (and my clients) love Foot Reflexology with JR Carmany
OFFICIAL Pre-Parliament of World Religions Event
Energetic Infusions: Take Your Energy Healing to The Next Level with Eve Muir-Wilson
Learn to connect with your spirit team and receive infusions of energy to help release, clear, and recharge your energy field. Create a simple daily routine of intentional energy to help raise your frequency, align your chakras, and seal your energy field. Learn how to make energetic intentions to clear the path for your future goals. Feel relaxed, lighter, and grounded.
Crystal Wire Wrapping Ring Making with Kelsey Rankin
AWAKE 101 with J. Currie
What is AWAKE: Oneness Tribe? Learn about our journey as a Tribe and a nonprofit organization, who we are today, what we offer to our community of members & providers, and our hopes & dreams for the future!
AWAKE: Oneness Tribe Open Forum with J. Currie
We want your feedback! What does your ideal Tribe look like? What events, social opportunities, programs, retreats, etc. are you looking for? How can we better serve you? Also, sign up to be a volunteer!
Six Keys to Increasing and Sustaining your Energy through Mitochondrial Regeneration with Agnes Loughlin
Naturopathic Approach to Chronic Illness: Treatment and Prevention of Common Conditions with Dr. Agi Wrobel
Embody the Warrior | Stories of Yoga Postures and How They Empower Your Practice with Andrew Krause
Drum Repair/Tuning/ReSkinning also Drum Rhythms/Techniques with Mike Lyon
Free Vendor Classes; Sunday, June 23rd, 2024:
Healing Through the Akashic Records with Ildiko Puskas
Applying Current Astrological Themes to Your Life with Jacqui Mancuso
In this workshop you will learn the archetypes and energies behind the major, long-lasting astrological transits occurring at this time. We are at the "beginning of the end", as Jacqui calls it. The end of being slaves to the system. The end of spiritual illusion. The end of food insecurity. The end of the old world. Learn how to apply these current and upcoming transits to your personal life to easily welcome in our New Earth. No astrology knowledge needed!
Spiritual Cleansing with Joshua Minter
How to get rid of all negative energies auras and entities that have attached themselves to our psyche and spiritual beings due to trauma and open negative spiritual doors
How to Tap into the Power of Gemstones with Joann Lysiak
Intro to Reiki 101 with Jeffrey Mankin
Smudging with Intent with Aubrey Fullerton
All about different meanings of different feathers and herbs. How to use them with the correct intent.
AWAKE 101 with J. Currie​
What is AWAKE: Oneness Tribe? Learn about our journey as a Tribe and a nonprofit organization, who we are today, what we offer to our community of members & providers, and our hopes & dreams for the future!
Benefits of PEMF with Rajai Kaldani
Steps to Make Your home a Safe Home: Safer use of technology and other ways to lower EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) in your home with Mieke Jacobs
Co-Creating with the Monthly Lunar Cycle, with Lisa Hagenbuch
Learn specific actions you can take during each of the 8 monthly lunar phases. Implementing these strategies will allow you to harness the ​Moon's energy for its most productive use, empowering you to live more fully in the flow of your life!
How Nature Can Help Heal Anxiety with Laura Jaramillo
Learn skills and tools to ground you in nature.
Ascended Masters’s Messages for the New Age with Tatyana Mickushina
Sponsored by: Beata Macias of Feel Better Hub
Sponsored by: Feel Better Hub
Open 9:30am-4:30pm, during program hours
Children under 5 years old must be accompanied by a parent/guardian
Delicious Eats

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